
Catering Fortune Theatre Gig, 29 March 2013. Photo by Fifi Leong
Catering Fortune Theatre Gig, 29 March 2013. Photo by Fifi Leong

Hi all my name is Robyn Joynt and I am a lover of food, it is MY LIFE!

Brought up on a farm in the South Waikato, New Zealand. I have always been surrounded by an abundance of food that was homegrown had soul, flavour and passion which was driven with love and a welcoming heart.

Currently living in Canterbury, New Zealand.

Doing a degree in Culinary Arts has made me realize what I want in life and how it can be shown with the food I cook. I have a strong interest in food and ingredients which have a connection to people and place. I also have a strong connection to Soul Food because it is a large part of who I am and how I cook.

There are a few culinarians who I share similar food values with and gain inspiration from; Alison Lambert and Jamie Oliver are  are just a few of many.

Good food and drink creates a powerful connection with people, place, family, friends and makes a community. Food enlightens all senses and elevates the mood of many. To me food is more than an energy, FOOD IS LIFE and makes up a large part of community. People who collectively appreciate small things providing a unique well-rounded passionate, warming experience. Having a relationship that’s built on common ground which enables me to give something and gain plenty in return.

Building a community through food.

Follow me on

Instagram: @soulfoodie92

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulfoodie92

7 responses to “About”

  1. Boom ….first to respond. Great work Robyn, just start it and make it happen, that’s the attitude! yeah now you have somewhere to put all those yummy food picks, if it wasn’t so cold outside I’d make one of those watermelon drinks right now.

  2. Thanks Adrian first recipe post is for the Watermelon Cooler.

  3. Beauty Sis…nice font choice

  4. Don’t you just LOVE food!!

  5. You can email recipes for the soup and beverage drawing to betsy.bannier@outlook.com – thanks! 🙂

  6. Hi, I have nominated you for the Liebster award. I apologize if you have already been nominated or done one already.
    Here is the link to my post
    ❤ Keep Smiling ❤

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